Golden compass 2 movie you tube
Golden compass 2 movie you tube

I share a number of photos on here with my stories as well. "Lisa's Pic's" blog shares personal stories of God and life and devotions. We live in a great province with much unique beauty. I am so blessed to have photos God has given me grace homes across SK & even other parts of the world. Creating SK calendars with photos that I take has been a huge testimony. The "Photography by Lisa" blog is a site displaying mostly SK calendars, and also past wedding/family/graduation photos & other photo projects. I love to talk about God & share what He's been doing in my life. I love having fellowship with other believers in Christ.

golden compass 2 movie you tube

I love leading Bible studies, especially women's Bible studies-they've all been so dear to my heart. I love to take pictures & use them to tell a story. I love God, my husband, my children, my family. You can check out another link below to read about the movie and what it is going to try to do. Forgive and rescue those who are so blinded by the enemy. I myself find it so interesting that if someone is so against God and says He doesn't exist, then why would they make a movie focused on getting God out of the picture and killing Him in the end? Why do they feel that He needs to be killed if they insist that He doesn't exist? Interesting. What part of Abomination don't you understand? So my question to Christians everywhere who think that this stuff is safe for their kids: The word abomination is from the Hebrew: תּועבה - tô‛êbah tô‛êbah (to-ay-baw', to-ay-baw') Meaning: properly something disgusting (morally), that is, (as noun) an abhorrence especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol: - abominable (custom, thing), abomination. Notice that these things are an Abomination to the Lord. but the imagery and the concept are definitely occult.ĭeu 18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination (witchcraft), or an observer of times (fortune teller/horoscopes), or an enchanter, or a witch,ĭeu 18:11 Or a charmer(spellcaster), or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer (talks to the dead).ĭeu 18:12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. * Fortune Telling - Divination: The Golden Compass itself is called an Alethiometer, and it in itself is akin to a Ouji board, where you turn some dials, form a question in your mind, click a button, and it will review the answer. The other stuff within the story is far more dangerous than just an opinion on the existance of God.Ī few minutes on the movies' website and you will find: The fact that it is written by an atheist and is Anti-God is one thing. The message needs to be sent out to the churches to let them no that this movie should not be promoted by, nor visited by anyone. This movie the Golden Compass is very disturbing. (see the other thread on Harry Potter - ) Where the Harry Potter books are subtle in the presentation of the occult, this movie is far more direct and obvious. My concerns with this are just as grave, but slightly different then Harry Potter. Luk 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. This is not a safe, harmless children's story.

Golden compass 2 movie you tube series#

Philip Pullman is aiming the series at children because he wants to mess up their relationship with God and lead them into the lonely wilderness of atheism and chaos.

golden compass 2 movie you tube

There's a subtle message of atheism being glorified and religion being diminished in the book. The whole series is about rebelling against the Church and ultimately killing the Authority, in order to achieve true freedom.

golden compass 2 movie you tube

In the first book, the clergy are portrayed as being kidnappers of children, who want to enslave their spirits to serve the Authority, which is God. Although targeted at perhaps the Catholic Church, the very message of these books is clearly anti-God at the core. The fact that they are sugar coating some sinister literature is only going to encourage people to read the books, because they loved the movies. The very concept of animal familiars, called Daemons (pronounced demon), wreaks of evil.

golden compass 2 movie you tube

Hall from the Berean Watchman made these comments on it: (quoted with permission) Be aware of this movie and what these people are trying to do to to blind our kids and teach them athieism. It is coming out geared for kids and teens. They then feel that they will have freedom and can then live as the freely please without any rules. It's made by an athiest who hates the Chronicles of Narnia and has written a series of books and has made a movie completely the opposite - in the end of the movie, the children kill God. There's a new movie coming out in December 2007 called Golden Compass and it stars Nicole Kidman.

Golden compass 2 movie you tube